Blooms by the Sea
It was awards galore for Newhaven in Bloom prize winners last Sunday, as they came to Paradise Park to celebrate the fabulous show they had put on this year. Highlights this year included a ‘Living Bench’ and ‘Rainbow Wall’ created by the resident gardeners of Ellis Gordon Court, coordinated by Maureen Smith (winning Best Community Garden category), the lovely and colourful garden of Alison Mowbray ( Gold Award Bee and Wildlife Garden and Best Over-All Garden). Special mention was made by Mark Curtis (Plant Area Manager) of one of Newhaven in Bloom’s most enthusiastic supporters – Violet Tully, who won Gold for her Balcony Pots and Containers, sadly passing away a few weeks back. At 91 years young, she had lost none of her love and enthusiasm for her beautiful garden. Her granddaughter, Katy, kindly came to receive her awards in two categories. Congratulations were issued to everyone who entered and brought so much pleasure, in what has been a difficult gardening year. If you would like to enter this friendly and fun competition, look out for the entry form at Paradise Park or in the press in the early part of next year. Well done Bloomers!