Helping Church with Cutting-Hedge Technology

07/07/20 News

When a Lewes church went to use its ageing strimmer to cut greenery which had grown ferociously during the lockdown, its caretaker wasn't expecting a bright flash and a puff of blue smoke. But, just hours before the archdeacon was due to visit, that is what happened at Cliffe parish church.

A call for help was answered by our team at Paradise Park who came to the rescue, just in time with a suitable replacement.

"We were in a bit of a pickle", explained Churchwarden Trevor Butler. "The grass and bushes had not been cut during the whole of lockdown and we needed everything to look spick and span for our VIP visitor. Tates Garden Centres were wonderful and kindly donated a new Bosch strimmer."

St Thomas à Becket church welcomed the Archdeacon of Brighton and Hove with its grass looking neat and tidy.

Photo: Darren Clift from Paradise Park presents the new strimmer to Churchwarden Trevor Butler