Cider with Rosie

28/09/17 News

An  invocation of the last warm harvest days of summer, of hay meadows, cider apples-a-plenty- and young love is captured in the beautiful interpretation of ‘Cider with Rosie’ created by the Seaford Evening Flower Club at Paradise Park. Our thanks to Jo, Mary, Hilary, Jane and Marian from the club, who have kindly shown their skills in the display, which can be appreciated at Paradise Park over the next couple of weeks (We all loved the mice!). It will also be on display, appropriately enough, for the Clubs Loyalty Day this Friday (29th.), and if you wish to have a chance of owning one of their arrangements, they will be raffling off 3 demonstration-arrangements at the Charity Coffee Morning  at 10.30, 11.30 & 12.15 on October 13th.- all for St. Wilfrid’s Hospice. If you are inspired and wish to turn your hand to flower display creation, the club meet on the first Thursday of the month (not January) at 7pm. at St. Luke’s Church, Seaford. (full details on the Nafas website). As for the cider- there is a fine range for sale of organic, scrumpy and vintage ciders to get you in mood too!