Garden Re-leaf 2017 - Tates of Sussex

Garden Re-leaf 2017

17/03/17 News

Friday 17th was Garden Releaf Day nationwide, when funds are raised for Greenfingers Charity, the charity that creates special gardens for children’s hospices. At Paradise Park we were kindly supported during the day by Seaford Evening Flower Club doing a demonstration and raffling their displays for the charity. Lucky squares also proved popular hosted at the Infocentre by David Fitton, and congratulations to Maggie Rottier for picking the winning square, and winning £25 of Tates Garden Vouchers. The Evening Gardening Quiz was supported by the teams The Foxy Ladies, Nafas, Daisy Chain, Pushing Up The Daisies, The Swedes and The Scatterbrains and congratulations to The Swedes for their excellent win. Our thanks goes to everyone who so generously supported us and raised  £350 for this worthy cause.