Garden Plants - Tates of Sussex

Garden Plants

Tates of Sussex have been growing top quality, value for money plants in Sussex for more than 40 years. We offer a wide variety of plants including shrubs, bedding plants, hanging baskets and perennials.

Our expert staff are always on hand to assist customers with their purchases and provide guidance on how to care for their new plants. We have arranged our plants alphabetically within categories to help make things easier for our customers searching for a specific plant. The variety of plants available is extensive, from traditional favourites such as roses and hydrangeas to more exotic options like bamboo and palms. The outdoor plants shop is a treasure trove for gardeners looking to add colour and beauty to their outdoor spaces. Additionally we offer a range of gardening tools, fertilisers, and pots to complement the plants, making it a one-stop-shop for all gardening needs. Browse our other in store pages for an overview of what else we can offer. Overall, the Tates of Sussex Garden Centres plant shops are a must-visit for anyone with a passion for gardening.

Our hardy plants are guaranteed for 2 years from the date of purchase. Please contact us if your plant fails within the first 2 years by emailing Please include photos of your plant as well as a copy of the receipt. This guarantee does not include plants that are damaged due to lack of watering, over watering, lack of proper horticultural care or other factors outside our control such as damage caused by pests or disease.

If you’re looking for colour, beauty and variety then you’ll not be disappointed at Tates Garden Centres.
Visit one of our stores and peruse our collection, with our expert plant team on hand to answer any questions you may have.

Our Nurseries

South Downs Nurseries

Our bedding and perennial nursery located adjacent to our South Downs garden centre and grows over 1000 different varieties of plants. Many of these are bedding plants used to create the beautiful hanging baskets and planters sold through our four garden centres. We also grow a wide range of other plants including many perennials, herbs and strawberries. (Not open to the general public.)

Old Barn Nurseries

Our trade plant nursery is located adjacent to our Old Barn Garden Centre in Dial Post, Horsham and grows around a quarter of a million plants a year. Plants are sold through our own garden centres as well as direct to the landscape trade. The most popular plants they grow include Phormiums, Lavender, Star Jasmine and Salvias. (Not open to the general public.)

If you are looking for a particular item?
If you are looking for a particular item that is not listed, please call your nearest centre and speak to a member of our team, who will be happy to advise you.