Mint 'Variegated Applemint' 1 Litre
Apple mint 'variegated', also known as variegated pineapple mint, is a variety of the common mint plant that is known for its variegated green and cream-coloured leaves. It is a hardy perennial herb that is easy to grow and has a distinctive fruity aroma, similar to that of apples or pineapples.
Apple mint 'variegated' typically grows to a height of about 40cm, and its leaves are often used in cooking and baking to add a refreshing and slightly sweet flavour to dishes. It is also a popular herb for making tea, either on its own or mixed with other herbs.
In terms of growing conditions, apple mint 'variegated' prefers moist, well-drained soil and partial shade to full sun. It can be grown in pots or in the ground, and it is relatively low maintenance, requiring only occasional pruning to keep it from becoming too leggy.
Overall, apple mint 'variegated' is a beautiful and flavourful addition to any herb garden or kitchen, and its variegated leaves add an attractive touch of colour to any setting.
- For Pollinator: Yes
- Latin Name: Mentha suaveolens 'Variegata'
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